After trying my hand at some basic astrophotography with a camera, telephoto lens, and tripod, in the spring of 2024 I finally convinced myself to get set up with proper gear to photograph the night sky. I got familiarized with my gear just about 2 weeks before the great American eclipse. These are some of my best shots since then.
I am currently using a Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro mount, an Askar 103APO Refracting telescope, and various other accessories. Most of these were taken from my backyard in central AR under a Bortle 7 sky. I am still learning a ton, and learning the hard way that there's no substitute for more exposures. I am more than happy to talk privately about my full setup, or even to take advice.

Bode's and Cigar Galaxies

M64 - Black Eye Galaxy

Rosette Nebula

Bailey's Beads

Southern Prominences


Full Moon

2024 May Sunspots

Eclipse Composite

Eastern Veil Nebula

Dumbbell Nebula

North America Nebula ("New England" corner)

Omega Nebula

Western Veil Nebula

M52 and Bubble Nebula

Lagoon Nebula

Trifid Nebula

Iris Nebula


Bubble Nebula


M33 - Triangulum Galaxy

NGC6888 - Crescent Nebula

NGC281 - Pacman Nebula

M27 - Dumbbell Nebula

SH2-131 Elephant's Trunk



M74 - Phantom Galaxy

M76 - Little Dumbbell Nebula

NGC6888 - Crescent Nebula

M42 - Great Nebula in Orion

M45 - Pleiades